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True Life in God

Since November 28, 1985, Vassula Rydén is receiving messages from Heaven. She was initially approached by her guardian angel in preparation for her encounter with God. A considerable number of messages followed, the messages being a testimony of the love of our God for His creatures. The Lord reaffirms His Word for the end of time. He talks about the state of our world, of our Faith and confirms to us a great many things about the apparitions of our Holy Mother and of the saints. He expresses Himself on a multitude of topics which you can find on the multilingual website.

Hundreds of thousands of people were deeply marked by these messages already translated into more than forty languages. This considerable work, made up of several volumes, was entitled by our beloved Father: "True Life in God".

Many bishops, priests and theologians believe in the authenticity of the messages given to Vassula: it is really God who, through the messages, addresses Himself to each one of us, sends to all humanity a true love letter, in a time when humanity hopelessly needs to be guided by Him.

Vassula's principal mission is Christian Unity. It is really a very serious offence to have divided the Mystical Body of Christ, that is the Church, in as many fragments. Moreover, Church Unity has been the concern of His Holiness Pope John Paul II right from the first moments of his pontificate. Thus, Vassula is Greek-Orthodox and calls upon all Christians, through the Messages of Jesus, to gather under the authority of the successor of Peter. The Lord promised that if Catholics and Orthodox unify the date of Easter, He would do the rest. But the unification of the date of Easter is still on hold as of today.

The Lord selected Vassula because of her lack of knowledge and her wretchedness, because she is a "nothing", as He often likes to remind her. This means that anyone can go to Him, no matter what his past, his sins, his refusal of God. "Come to me, I will raise you and I will renew you!" the Lord says to us.

Messages publication with Nihil Obstat et Imprimatur

January 2006

For the first time, the messages are published in a single volume on bible paper in English. They are printed out with the Nihil Obstat of His Lordship Felix Toppo, S.J., D.D., Bishop of Jamshedpur, Censor Liborum on November 28th 2005 and the Imprimatur of His Lordship C. Argüelles, D.D., STL, Archbishop of Lipa on November 28th 2005.

On November 24th 2005, His Lordship Toppo has written in the preface of this publication (in English) :

I have read all the TRUE LIFE IN GOD books* and meditated on their contents. I truly believe that the books contain the Divine Dialogue of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady and the Angels with humankind through Vassula Rydén. I have not found anything objectionable and anything contrary to the Church's authentic authority on faith and morals. Reading these books and meditating on the contents are spiritually beneficial to all. I recommend these books to every Christian.

Felix Toppo, S.J., D.D.
Roman Catholic Bishop of Jamshedpur, India
November 24, 2005.
*Meaning ALL the messages [r.n.]

Before this, some bad opponents based what they are saying on the notification from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Cardinal Ratzinger (who is now the Pope Benedict XVI) had already answered to them:

The messages of True Life in God were the subject of a notification from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1995. This warning that was nonfounded, as Vassula had not been able to express herself and had not been questioned in any manner (see the declaration of Cardinal Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Since then, things have evolved considerably:

Modifications by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
on the situation concerning True Life in God

January 2005

For the past few years an ongoing communication has been taking place between the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) and Vassula. This communication has modified the situation that emerged after the Notification published by the CDF in 1995. The dialogue between Vassula and the CDF was published in the latest editions of TLIG worldwide at the request of the CDF’s Prefect, H.E. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The publication of this dialogue has resulted in a letter dated 10th July 2004 which is signed by Cardinal Ratzinger himself to a number of Presidents of Catholic Episcopal Conferences who had expressed particular concern on Vassula and her writings. His Eminence explained to them in his letter that the position of the CDF has been modified towards Vassula and her writings. The Cardinal wishes that everyone reads the questions put to Vassula and her answers.

When Cardinal Ratzinger was asked, "what will your office reply if anybody asks if the notification is still valid?", his reply was:

"The situation has been modified"

Letter from Cardinal Ratzinger

Letter from the CDF Under-Secretary

Commentary by Archbishop Arguelles

Commentary by Fr. Lars Messerschmidt

Many studies were made about the messages of True Life in God, such as by the very modest but very famous Abbé Réné Laurentin who is responds to Vassula's detractors. The word of the Lord being free, it is obviously available online in its entirety. One of the fruits of the word was the creation of the Beth Myriam project (houses of Mary) around the world, which serve meals to people in several underprivileged countries. The graces flowing from the work of True Life in God are innumerable: conversions, healings, visions occuring from reading the messages, or during witnessing meetings, or by watching videos.

This work is truly splendid, teaching us starting from scratch. It is the training of Vassula, who tells us to take out her name in the messages and replace it with the reader's name, because the Lord adresses Himself to each one of us. It is also essential to read the work in chronological order to benefit from this teaching, which is within the range of all of us and is aimed at all of us without any exception! It is also highly advisable to read the biblical references, as they are mentionned, while reading the messages in order to have a better comprehension both of the message and of the passage of the Holy Scriptures quoted. Until today, Our Lord always gives His messages to Vassula for all of us and it will be like this until the death of His prophet.

It is with great joy and with an endless enthusiasm that we invite you to open yourself to these messages and let yourself be penetrated by the word of our Lord. 2000 years ago, the crowds were held in awe by Jesus speaking to them about love and hope. As He had promised, He is always with us. He guides us again in this obscure world just like when as God-made-Man He lived among His creatures. Also, never miss witnessing meetings happening in your area! You will also find much more information online at Good reading! Open yourself to the graces flowing from this work and welcome to True Life in God !

A newsletter is published by e-mail approximately once a month. There you will find all the information concerning the messages and the reports about Vassula's journeys. It is easy to register by clicking here. The field "Name" is optional. Thank you in advance for indicating your country and of course your e-mail address.








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Updated on saturday march 28th 2009
